Full-body skin cancer checks | Skin Clinic, Australia

patient getting a skin check

Regular skin checks play a vital role in detecting and preventing skin cancers, one of the most common types of cancer worldwide. Early detection of skin cancer greatly improves the chances of successful treatment, making it crucial for individuals to prioritise routine skin examinations. In this blog, we will explore different healthcare providers and facilities where you can get a thorough and reliable skin check to ensure your health and safety.

Am I at risk of skin cancer?

woman getting checked on cheek

Skin cancer risk is influenced by various factors, including prolonged UV exposure, skin type, history of sunburns, family history, moles and skin lesions, weakened immune systems, occupational exposure, and geographic location. People with fair skin, light red or fair hair, and light-coloured eyes are at higher risk due to less natural protection against UV radiation. Family history, moles, weakened immune systems, occupations involving prolonged sun exposure, and geographic location also contribute to the risk of developing skin cancer. Regular self-examination and seeking medical attention are crucial for early detection and prompt treatment.

Early diagnosis for best outcomes

Early diagnosis is crucial for achieving the best outcomes in skin cancer treatment, as it allows for more effective and less invasive treatment options, higher survival rates, and better overall prognosis.

Early diagnosis of skin cancer increases treatment options, reduces the risk of metastasis, preserves healthy tissue, and improves prognosis. Untreated skin cancer can spread to other parts of the body, making early detection crucial. Regular skin checks and prompt medical attention can help identify skin cancer at an early stage. Proactive monitoring of skin for changes or abnormalities, such as new moles, changes in size, shape, or colour of existing moles, and unusual skin growths or lesions, is essential for early diagnosis of skin cancer. If you notice any concerning signs, such as rapid growth, irregular borders, or itching, consult a healthcare professional promptly.

Where to Get a Skin Check?

1.Skin Cancer Clinics

Dedicated skin cancer clinics are specifically designed to provide comprehensive skin checks and related services. These clinics are often staffed by dermatologists, specialized nurses, or doctors with a particular interest in dermatology. Skin cancer clinics typically offer efficient and streamlined processes for skin examinations, using state-of-the-art equipment to enhance accuracy and early detection of skin cancers.

2. Primary Care Physicians (PCPs):

Primary care physicians, including general practitioners and family doctors, can also conduct basic skin checks during routine medical examinations to assess the risk of skin cancers. While they may not have the same level of specialized training as dermatologists, they can still identify potential skin concerns and refer patients to a dermatologist for further evaluation if needed. Gps play a valuable role in promoting preventive care and overall wellness, including skin health.

examination under dermoscopy

3. Dermatologists:

Dermatologists are medical professionals who specialise in diagnosing and treating conditions related to the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatologists use various tools and techniques to evaluate moles, lesions, and other concerning areas on the skin. They can perform biopsies if necessary and provide treatment options for any identified issues.

4. Melanoma/Skin Cancer Screening Programs:

Many regions have established screening programs or initiatives aimed at increasing awareness and providing accessible skin checks. These programs may be organized by government health departments, nonprofit organizations, or medical institutions. They often offer free or low-cost skin examinations conducted by qualified healthcare professionals, with a particular focus on high-risk populations.

5. Telemedicine/Online Dermatology Services:

In recent years, telemedicine and online dermatology services have become increasingly popular. These platforms allow individuals to consult with dermatologists remotely, using video calls or secure image submissions for assessment. While they may not replace in-person examinations entirely, telemedicine services can be a convenient option for preliminary screenings for skin cancers, follow-ups, and addressing non-urgent concerns.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Doctor for Your Skin Check:

1. Experience and Qualifications:

Ensure that the healthcare provider or facility you choose has trained professionals with experience in skin cancer detection.

2. Accessibility and Convenience:

Consider the location and accessibility of the healthcare facility, as well as appointment availability and waiting times. Opt for a doctor in a convenient location that encourages regular skin checks to maintain continuity of care.

3. Referral Requirements and Insurance Coverage:

Check if a referral is necessary . Additionally, confirm if the service is covered by your health insurance to minimise out-of-pocket expenses.

What does a skin cancer check cost?

dermatologist taking a dermoscopy picture with a camera

The cost of a full skin examination or cancer check in Australia can vary depending on several factors, including the type of healthcare provider, location, extent of the examination, and whether additional procedures such as biopsies or treatments are required. Here is some general information regarding the cost of a skin cancer check in Australia:

1. General Practitioner (GP):

If you visit a general practitioner (GP) for a skin cancer check, the cost can range from approximately AUD 75 to AUD 150. However, keep in mind that this may vary depending on the specific GP’s fees and whether you have a Medicare card, which can provide subsidies for medical services.

2. Dermatologist:

A consultation with a dermatologist may be more expensive compared to a GP. The cost for a skin cancer check by a dermatologist can range from approximately AUD 150 to AUD 300 or more. Medicare rebates may apply, but out-of-pocket expenses can still vary.

3. Skin Cancer Clinic:

Visiting a dedicated skin cancer clinic for a comprehensive skin check can have different pricing structures. Some clinics may offer bulk-billing services, which means the Medicare system covers the entire cost, with no out-of-pocket expenses for patients. However, not all clinics provide bulk-billing, and in such cases, the cost can range from approximately AUD 100 to AUD 200 or more, depending on the clinic and specific services provided.

It is important to note that the above figures are general estimates and can vary depending on the risk factors mentioned earlier. Additionally, if any suspicious lesions are detected during the examination and further procedures such as biopsies or treatments are required, there may be additional costs involved.


Regular skin checks are vital for early detection and prevention of skin cancer. Whether you opt for a dermatologist, primary care physician, skin cancer clinic, screening program, or online service, the key is to prioritise your own skin health and choose a reputable healthcare provider or facility. By being proactive and scheduling routine skin examinations, you can take control of your well-being and ensure early detection of any potential skin concerns. Remember, if you notice any changes or have specific skin-related concerns, it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice and guidance.

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